Think Green – Minimizing Impact
The earth’s resources, no matter how abundant, are finite, and precious to each of us. It is essential that the food we eat, the water that we drink and the air we breathe remain healthy and available to everyone. Maintaining a clean environment, reusing and reclaiming resources benefit us all. Environment impact is the result of industrialization, but we work by greening the impact caused by other industries. We believe in minimizing impact by proper recycling and keeping environment safe from toxic waste and hazardous material. We demonstrate environmental element in our each business process thus endure the trust of the communities in which we work.
Take Wider Duty – Community Well-being
At Sayed Metal, we know our strategy’s success depends on well being of our communities. Our corporate responsibility is not limited to economic well being but focus on wider duty – to ensure we maintain healthy and well educated workforce. Our knowledge infrastructure gives our workforce a unique opportunity to sustain its well being in terms of adequate knowledge, health and personal growth.
Act Responsibility – Economic Multiplier
Our core business model works on Economic Multipliers – creation of jobs, investment in human capital, generation of investment, building knowledge based work environment.
Sayed Metal - Head Office
Dubai – United Arab Emirates
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Tel: +971-4-2636625

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